Hypnotherapy FAQ

Why choose hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy has long been recognised to be a very powerful method for personal development. In fact, it is known to have been in use for the last 6,000 years. Today, all around the world, people use the power of hypnosis to help deal with a vast range of problems. Everyone experiences hypnosis everyday on a regular basis.  For example, when you simply daydream and find your mind ‘in neutral’, just thinking of well, nothing in particular.  Or have you ever driven to a place and when you arrive, can’t remember any details of the journey, yet you arrived safely?  It’s almost as if you’re been on auto-pilot whilst driving.

Hypnosis is simply a state of heightened relaxation and altered awareness.

When you are relaxed in this way it is possible to make contact with your unconscious mind, in order to effect the change or changes you want in your life.

The unconscious mind is an untapped resource for creativity and is the seat of all your emotions and therefore directs nearly all your behaviour. Most importantly, the unconscious mind is responsible for maintaining the body in good health and for all the autonomic processes, e.g., breathing, blood circulation, tissue repair and controlling blood sugar level.

Hypnosis is a doorway to your unconscious mind and the inner world of your imagination and emotions.

Hypnosis is a means of contacting the unconscious mind so that it’s power can be utilised and harnessed to promote positive changes and physical well-being.

Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis is 100% safe and there are no distressing side effects other than perhaps a feeling of deep relaxation and a feeling of being refreshed and revitalised. You cannot possibly be stuck in hypnosis any more than you can get stuck relaxing in a recliner.

What does hypnosis feel like?

You may not feel any profound changes or any marked differences in the way you feel.  You are though in a deeply relaxed state and are calm and, contrary to popular belief, are aware of everything happening around you.

It is a pleasant and enjoyable state, very similar to daydreaming or drifting off to sleep. You will feel wonderfully relaxed and you may find that the quality of your sleep will be enhanced and improved.

Will hypnosis work for me?

In truth, there is no way to know for sure until you have experienced it.  If you think about it, that goes for other treatments and medications too. However, you can be assured that generally, most people of normal intelligence are fully capable of taking part in this form of therapy and enjoying the feeling and results they get from it.

As long as you follow the simple instructions, be open and positive about the approach and process, you should become receptive to the suggestions and obtain improvement.

As with any treatment, there is no ‘magic bullet’ or guarantee that it will work.  What I can say is that hypnosis does have a very high success rate. At the very least, it will do no harm, and, as a minimum, you may find that you enjoy better sleep, be more relaxed in general, and for most, you will see improvement in your condition, and in many conditions, elimination of the cause of the symptoms.

What if I can’t be hypnotised?

Don’t worry. The only people who can’t be hypnotised are those who don’t want to be hypnotised. Everyone else can be hypnotised if they want to, but the depths and response levels do differ from person to person.

Will I be unconscious?

There are a lot of myths and confusion about the word ‘unconscious’. Because hypnotherapy deals with the unconscious mind this leaves a realm of ambiguity around the word ‘unconscious’.

If you were truly in an unconscious state, you would not be able to hear the suggestion from the hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy is a state of calm, relaxed, focused attention creating suggestions and commands directed to your unconscious mind for conscious change.

I don’t like the idea of having my mind being controlled.

It won’t be, you will be in control at all times.  More importantly, you will be in control of the process.  Your hypnotherapist will merely act as your guide and lead you through it.  Nor, will you say things you don’t want to, or lose control.

Within each of us, there is a protective mechanism of ethics, values, beliefs and identities.  This protects us and would make it impossible for your hypnotherapist to suggest anything that would conflict with this protective mechanism or induce you to do something against your will.

Will I know what’s going on?

Absolutely.  You’ll be aware of everything that’s going on around you. You may find that some of the details of the session are a little hazy or you may find that you will be able to remember everything that was said or happened.

So am I asleep?

No, although some people do go into a very deeply relaxed state which may look like they are asleep.  Usually, most people will just feel and be very relaxed and your awareness will be enhanced, not dulled. In fact, it is not unusual for people to comment that that they felt as if they had not been “under” although in actual fact they have been in a hypnotic state during the session.

Will I be made to do silly things like those you see on stage or TV?

Absolutely not!

Stage hypnotherapists rely on willing and compliant subjects who have an expectation that they will have fun and may be asked to do silly things.

You will always be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy by your hypnotherapist and your physical and emotional wellbeing will safeguarded at all times.

Could I get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis?

No. It simply doesn’t happen. You are able to come out of the session at any time – all you have to do is tell yourself to do so.